Jack Joyce
The highest spiritual attainment in this life is said to be acheiving Gnana Deham or rainbow light body, heavenly light body, while still living.

This is not the truth although many saints belived it was until they reached Gnana Deham.
Gnana Deham is the highest spiritual state of being not highest spiritual attainment
An example of this.
You attain all siddhis. You conquer death. You have knowledge of all things in all existence past present and future. You can do anything and have total freedom.
But you will never have any friends or family.
Everyday you will live it alone.
You can do anything in the universe but you will always be alone.
What are the all siddhis, immortality, power and knowledge worth now ?.
Why are you searching for them lifetime after lifetime ?
What meaning do they have if its just you ?
When you get there what will make you happy then ?

The monks and saints that reach Gnana Deham do not stay in the cave after they attain this state of being.
They go somewhere to be with others wherever that might be for them.
When you have complete power and knowledge of all existence the most precious valued thing you see is kindness and compassion. It has more value then any secret knowledge or ultimate power. It cause more growth and has more potential energy for creation than any other thing that exists.
Everything else becomes boring. You know it all and can do anything. Life is not interesting anymore.
Without compassion there is no value to your existence
Or theirs. Love leads an interesting life.

There is no meaning in anything without love.
It is the essence of all creation.
Everyone now and for all eternity is really searching to love and too be loved. It comes out in everything they do and want.
It fuels the lives they live and what they do and want to do.
In everything and behind everything you do and create and destroy, it expresses and comes out in all differnt manner of ways. You live your life for it in someway.
You are searching to love and be loved.
Without loving others you have nothing for eternity.
Existence is empty.
No matter your high spiritual state of being.

The highest spiritual attainment is not to be alone.
The highest spiritual attainment no matter how much power or knowledge you have is not to be alone.
To love others and too be loved by them is to truly live.
To have a life you need love or its a meaningless infinite journey.

The answers to life and existence you seek are phantoms.
They have no weight, value or meaning and will not provide you with happiness.
If you search for them they will only bring more questions then more answers. This will continue forever.
There is no end to it.
By that time you will be alone sitting on Gods throne.
And the only meaning you will know to your life
is who you loved and who loved you.

Do not waste your life looking for truth.
Eventually you will have to choose between knowing more truth and being happy.

So what do you really want for your life here on earth ?
To know the truth or too be happy ?

The saints made their choice and you have too,
even if you dont see it yet.
The meaning of life will make sense to you one day,
because you already knew it. You are living for it.
You just didnt pay attention too it.
You thought that the universe and all existence must have some meaning without you or other people.
It doesnt.